Firstly, the masthead for the magazine is labeled as "classical music". This shows the reader that the magazine is based on the classical music genre. The masthead is also white, helping it stand out and catch a readers eye. White is related to light, goodness, innocence and purity and is considered as the colour of perfection. The idea of perfection associates with classical music. The writing doesn't have a background as it then helps the writing stand out more. As well as this, the masthead is separated into different text boxes, this is so that the text does not have any gaps and looks a lot closer.

The fonts used in this magazine are sans serif and Serif. These types of fonts are used alot in media as they are very clear and stand out well. The main titles have been set in bold, again helping them to stand out and catch the readers eye.

At the top of the magazines front cover there there is text showing the date and the price of the magazine. This is a very good idea as it provides the reader with information about what the date is and how much for
How this Research has Influenced my Planning and Creativity
- I really like how the magazines background colours have help the model and text stand out.
- I really like the way this magazine has designed its masthead and text on the front cover.
- I also really like the way the articles are set out on the left hand side of the page. (I will mostlikley use this design for my main magazine)
A secure Level 3 post - could you add representation theory to this? Consider how her female representation has been created through costume, location, pose etc.