This is the front cover to a classical music magazine.
Colour and Contrast
Firstly, the magazine uses a dark background and white writing. This has been designed like this to help the text and headings stand out, catch›ing the eye of a potential buyer or someone walking past. The white, bright text and model contrast against the dark background, creating a calm, relaxing atmosphere. The use of these colours are also simple but very effective as a technique to catch the readers eye when walking past. As well as this, the model is wearing bright white clothing and has blonde hair and white teeth. These features of the model help the magazine front cover to stay with the overall theme of black and white. Due to the star having a nice, calming and happy atmosphere, it creates the effect of a beautiful angel.

Text is very important when designing a front cover to a magazine. In this magazine they have used white text allowing it to stand out more to the reader. The masthead of "ClassicalMUSIC" helps tell the reader what the article is about. I like the way the magazine has designed the masthead with each letter in different text boxes so that each letter overlaps the other slightly, i could use this in my front cover when designing the front cover to my magazine. In addition, they have used the title of "vocal futures" using this as a main title on the front cover of a classical music magazine is showing that the magazine is about young people portraying classical music in the future (young stars). The text underneath this subheading says "can Suzi Digby turn young people on with bach?" this obviously relates to the model as it is the main article on the front cover and is positioned right next to the models head and neck. From the words "turn young people on" opens the magazine up to a younger target audience. I could use this as a template to help attract the same younger generation as a target audience for my magazine front cover. In the bottom right of the magazine are small articles which relate to what is inside the magazine. They have used small bold headings and small text underneath showing that the are not as important as the main title and text. The designer has set out the small articles in central rows beside the bar code and logo.

Also, the fonts used in this magazine is sans serif and used bold around the titles of small articles. Fonts are very important when used in the front cover of a magazine. The text used is very clear and fits well with the simple theme of the magazine It works very well with the colours used aswell. It is a lot easier to read then other classical music magazine fonts such as Brush Script MT Italica.

Furthermore, the model has been positioned towards the left half of the magazines front cover and takes up 1/3rd of the magazine. She has golden blonde hair with bright white teeth. Also she is wearing white bright clothing and holding a baton to conduct a classical band. Due to her having bright blonde golden hair and smiling with very white perfect teeth and holding a silver sparkly baton, gives the magazine a calming heaven like atmosphere.
Prices and marketing techniques
Finally, in the top right corner of the magazine there is a price next to the date which shows the potential buyer how much the magazine costs.
As well as this, the front covers main article and text is at the top 1/3rd of the magazine. This is a marketing technique as on shop shelves when a magazine is being sold it other magazines are placed infront of them, causing 2/3 of the magazine unfortunately not being shown to someone walking past. If they designed the magazine so that it has the main parts at the top of the magazine people walking past would be more likely to be persuaded to buy the magazine.
How this Research has Influenced my Planning and Creativity
I really like the fonts and the colour scheme. It is very engaging and easy to read.
If the position of the model and the prop that she has in her hand.
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