Colours and Contrast
Firstly the colours used for the front cover of this magazine are red, black, white and grey. these colours contrast dramatically. The colour red is a visual sign [Barthes] and mainly associated withe energy, war, determination, power as well as desire and courage. Red also has a large effect on the body as it is also associated with love, compassion and danger. Black is mainly associated with power, elegance, formality, death, evil and mystery. Due to the colour black being associated with mainly danger and evil, black is seen with mainly fear of the unknown and usually has a negative connotations although in some cases it shows strength, authority, and is a prestigious colour. White is a very bright and engaging colour which associates with light, goodness, innocence and purity and is considered as the colour of perfection.

However, Lady Gaga likes to do these types of photo shoots to show she is very powerful. In one of her concerts Lady Gaga turned up in a meat dress. In some ways this photo could be taken as an act of power due to her powerful figure and stance, which goes against Laura Mulvey's theory. In addition from the clothes Lady Gaga is wearing and the stance she has taken also suits Julian McDougals theory of online audiences changing. "in the online media age it is getting harder to conceive a media audience as a stable identification" for example if Lady Gaga had made this magazine for the elderly generation she would have had more clothes on. This magazine is obviously made for the younger generation. The model is also the main part of the magazine as she is the only one in the front cover and is in front of a lot of text.

For a few years Lady Gaga had taken a break due to having a child so her music wasn't as popular as it used to be.

The fonts used in this magazine are sans and sans serif. These fonts are used alot in magazines as they are clear and eye catching. Also, many of the headings have bold and italic fonts, allowing the text to become even more bold and easy to read.

How this Research has Influenced my Planning and Creativity
- I really like the way the main title "Lady Gaga" is hidden behind the star as a type of identification.
- I also really like the idea of the text "Move over Madonna..." as this will appeal to a younger audience
- the way letters are split round the body is really interesting and unique.
- Plus - on the bottom left.
- I like the kerning and the way some spaves are huge and others are much closer between letters.
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