Question 2, "Do you like a very bright and bold masthead?" , 20 people said yes, noone said no. This was again a very one sided question as noone said no. This was maybe a pointless question as magazines usually have a bright and bold masthead to help it stand out. A magazine is designed to stand out so my masthead is going to have to be bright and engaging otherwise it will not catch someones eye.
Question 3, "Does swearing offend you?" , 3 people said that swearing does offend them, 17 said they are fine with swearing being involved with a magazine. This shows that most people are not bothered if there is swearing in a music magazine. Due to the answer no having a much larger amount of people than no, swearing is an option I could use.
Question 4, "How much would you pay for a magazine?", this is a very important question to ask as it helps me with how much I should pay for my magazine. the answers I received were under £5 which surprised me. From other research I've gathered and these answers I will most likely put the price of my magazine around £3-£5. My TA are usually on a low income so the price will also be lower, allowing teens and young adults to be more able to afford the magazine.
Question 6, "Would you prefer a small amount of text?", 4 people said they didn't mind weather it had a small amount of text of not, and 16 said they'd prefer less text. This did not surprise me as a lot of teens and young adults dislike reading a lot of text in a music magazine. Also, teens usually get magazines for gossip and just to read about whats happening. The majority of people would prefer less text, so in my magazine I will try and shorten things down to suit my TA.
Question 7, "Why do you buy a magazine?", 12 people said, the gossip and then 8 people said they are fun to read. this wasn't surprising to me as i know from being a teenager myself that young adults and teens like gossip and arguments more than anything. If I said there was gossip in the magazine on the front cover it would increase sales dramatically. This question has helped me understand the main reasons why people buy magazines and has given me the techniques I could use to increase my magazines sales.
Quesiton 8, "What colours would you infer with a classical magazine?" from the 20 teens who answered this question, 11 said white, grey and black, 7 said gold, white and silver and 2 said black and white. A lot of people said the black, white and grey colours because most old fashioned classical music magazines are designed with these colours but are aimed at an older target audience. This has helped me identify the most common colours used in classical music magazines.
Question 9, "9. Do you think that classical magazines are boring?" 15 people said yes and 5 said no. This suprised me as music magazines are usually very fun and help you get the gossip which young adults and teens like. When i asked the people who said yes why most of them replied with "the colours are just boring and noting sticks out" this is very helpful to me as I now know that to make my magazine exciting and fun i will need to use bright and engaging colours.
Question 10, "Do you like the thought of a limited edition package for the magazine?" This was a very one sided answer as everyone I asked said yes. This is maybe a pointless question as when I create my magazine It will be a normal edition. Although this question and answered have given me information about how much people like the limited edition designs and rarity.
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